The school
Agrocampus Ouest is located in the heart of the Europe's largest agricultural and food processing area. The school covers several areas of teaching and research: agronomy, food, environment, horticulture and landscape.
It consists is spread over 3 sites: Rennes, Angers and the site of Beg Meil.
The school works in partnership with national and
international research organisations such as INRA
(French National Institute of Agricultural Research)
who are also present on campus.
On the campus of Rennes, you will have the chance to walk through the main building from 1896 and walk around a very welcoming greenery campus.
Some figures :
• 2 000 students
• 140 teacher-researchers and 10 teachers
• 300 administrative staff, engineers, technicians and service workers
• 520 associate researchers in UMR (Mixed Research Unit)
• more than 70 academic partners around the world.
And here is a map of the campus to find your way!
For more information do not hesitate to visit this web site and to watch this video